It’s April. And while the weather is still “iffy,” everyone is looking ahead to summer break–students and teachers! But just as things begin winding down in your school’s classrooms the next two months, we find ourselves at Fearing’s Audio Video Security revving up in anticipation of installing or updating school safety systems before students return in the fall.
Schools Security Increasing
Fearing’s Can Secure Your School
“I don’t know if there’s anything more pressing than safety,” Lindsey Burke, a Will Skillman Fellow in Education at the Heritage Foundation’s Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity says. “And we know from the data that when you interview parents, their number-one concern when they’re looking for a school today, and way before academics, is safety.” So, how do you know if your students are safe in the classroom? One solution doesn’t cover every need. Our team customizes each electronic security solution knowing every building and situation is unique. But more importantly, our goal is to make recommendations, to help protect your students, faculty, staff, and visitors by providing an environment where threats to security are minimized and providing quality education is again the focal point. Please contact Fearing’s to learn about how Fearing’s can meet your school’s safety needs.