Do you need the best in customized and emergency messaging for your employees and others at and around your facility? Do you want a platform that can be deployed in multiple ways to send messages across a vast variety of platforms? Look no further, Fearing’s and Singlewire InformaCast have you covered!

When it’s critical to reach people with alerts, you need to be where they are. Together, Fearing’s and Singlewire InformaCast offer mass- notification systems that can send direct messages to multiple on-site devices/systems, mobile users and other designated recipients.
Many organizations don’t have the infrastructure in place to properly communicate. This can lead to misinformation that spreads quickly and poses an even more dangerous situation. People are confused about where to go, the real danger they face, and how to find their way to safety.
Most mass notification systems are also proprietary and only work in minimal, select ways. Singlewire InformaCast fusion solutions offer highly customizable applications that can be manually or automatically triggered from dozens of platforms!
In addition, this highly-flexible system can be configured for virtually any messaging needs-from scheduled notifications such as shift changes to automatic lockdowns and severe weather alerts. Singlewire InformaCast software has the ability to initiate emergency lighting, alert personnel of 911 calls, facilitate building evacuations, tie into intercom systems and more! If you’re dedicated to providing better everyday communication while enhancing preparation in the event of an emergency, contact us today to discover how the Fearing’s/Singlewire InformaCast partnership will make a difference for you!
Informcast Whitepaper
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