A Look at Where Commercial Security Is Heading—And How It’s Improving 

Verkada, the cloud-based security technology manufacturer (and one of our go-to partners), recently published a survey on the state of commercial security systems. The study polled 1,518 security professionals who are direct users or decision-makers for their business’s physical security infrastructure. 

Overwhelmingly, 92 percent of respondents agreed that the future of security is in the cloud. Cloud-based security systems were cited as more scalable, easier to integrate, and more efficient to manage remotely. 

If your Milwaukee, WI, business is contemplating investing in a cloud security system, let’s examine the benefits (and concerns) of switching to cloud-based solutions and takeaways from Verkada’s industry survey. 

SEE ALSO: 7 Ways to Customize Your Business’s Keycard Security System

Cloud vs. On-Premises Security 

First, let’s establish the difference between cloud-based and on-premises security systems: 

  • Cloud security stores data and runs applications on remote servers managed by a third-party provider. Data from cameras, access control, and other security devices are sent to and stored on the cloud. 
  • On-premises security stores data on a physical server in your building, managed by your business. 

Cloud-based systems are updated and maintained by your hosting provider, while an on-premises system requires your IT staff physically troubleshooting it. Cloud security also enables remote access to files and security devices wherever you have the internet, whereas on-site security is limited to its physical location. While most organizations will choose one or another, some will use a combination of cloud and on-site security solutions. 

Why 9 in 10 Businesses Plan to Switch to the Cloud 

Eighty-six percent of Verkada’s respondents who hadn’t transitioned to a cloud security system are planning to do so soon. And why, you may ask? 

Top motivators driving cloud transition include system scalability (40%), the ability to manage systems (35%) remotely, and more seamless device integration (34%). One survey respondent shared, “[The] cloud-based system helps us eliminate the demand for expensive hardware investment and local maintenance. Instead, [we] use the payment subscription fee to save costs and manage its safety budget more effectively.” 

Another participant explained, “[We’re] saving money on not relying on legacy based hardware and software which cannot handle AI technology.” Instead, your provider remotely updates your cloud-based software with features, such as centralized management and data storage. You’d need to physically update your servers to update storage with an on-premises system. 

What’s Holding Back 1 in 10 Businesses? 

As for the 1 in 10 organizations that aren’t ready to upgrade to the cloud, their primary concerns involve: 

  • The cost of upgrading, despite long-term gains from cloud security 
  • Potential vulnerabilities with cloud storage and data transfer—the number one concern among hesitant respondents. 
  • Concerns with network reliability 

Unsurprisingly, the Verkada study noted that non-technical professionals (those in finance or executives) had higher concerns about cost, cybersecurity, and network infrastructure than IT professionals. IT leaders were more focused on ensuring staff had adequate training and support and did not share those worries. 

The Final Verdict 

Only 1 percent of IT professionals surveyed stated a preference for on-premises security over cloud security. Ninety-two percent polled agreed that cloud systems are easier to maintain and manage across sites. More than 90 percent of respondents said that cloud data is safer than ever before and are confident cybersecurity will continue to improve in the next five years. 

If your Milwaukee, WI, business is ready for a more convenient and integrated security system, Fearing’s is here to help. Contact us here to learn more about our security system installations and how we can help protect your organization.